For those of you who are unfamiliar with twitter thats how wikipedia describes it
“Twitter is a free social networking and micro-blogging service that allows its users to send and read other users' updates (otherwise known as tweets), which are text-based posts of up to 140 characters in length.”
Its a new concept and is on atmost of its boom like social networking and bookmarking sites. You can update world about what you are doing and get latest updates from people of your interests. If you haven't used it ,I suggest you to give it a try and I promise you won't look back.
twhirl A desktop application based on Adobe Air which gives you mini environment for twitter on your desktop. Now you can avail all the functionalities of twitter with this twitter client on your desktop.
A free service which lets you know who unfollowed you on twitter. Signup with your email address and twitter credentials. Whenever some one unfollows you, Qwitter will mail you and will indicate after which status update the user unfollowed you. A must use tool because you can't guess who unfollowed you especially when you have a large number of followers.
Lets tweet it
Its basically a directory of tweeters categorized according to their areas of interest. You can get listed there on one or more categories and get informed of others who join that category.
A firefox addon which sits in the bottom right of your browser and keeps checking for twitter updates in the background. A must have addon for tweeting while you browse. It gets all the updates and you can also write your updates and reply to others from there. When ever there there is an update you get notified immediately.
A free service to feed your blog updates to twitter. It registers your with your twitter account and gets your rss feeds. Now whenever your blog/website is updated your status is set to that blog post and its url. A must have utility for bloggers to keep updating their followers about blog post and that way getting handsome amount of traffic of loyal readers/ fellow tweeters.
A twitter client for iphone users. Lets you tweet rite from your iphone.
A large collection of twitter themes divided into a range of categories. The site also contains cool follow me buttons for twitter.
Same like TwitterGallery and has lots of free twitter backgrounds. Must use it as twitter's traditional themes are just limited and boring.
TwitpicTwitpic is a free service to share your pics with tweeters. You can signin with your twitter credentials and upload images. Your image link will be posted to twitter where tweeters can also comment on your pic. A really cool service.
Twitter badges
Twitter provides badges which can be used on your blogs and social networking sites like facebook/myspace. It also provides html/javascript codes to embed in your pages as well as flash widget that work on any social network.
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Maybe you should add Twitkut to this list too :-p,