OrkutFeeds is a service which keeps you updated of orkut activities. If you are a very active orkuter , you may forget sometime that on which community you last posted or which community topic should have an answer to your query. Here comes this service called “OrkutFeeds” which is perfect for you.
How it works?
Here's the link : www.orkutfeeds.com . Enter the url of the page on orkut you want to track. It might be a community page,a topic in a community, a profile of a friend or a scrapbook.Some example of urls are
e.g. http://www.orkut.com/Scrapbook.aspx?uid=2008781293621471903
e.g. http://www.orkut.com/Community.aspx?cmm=19587001
e.g. http://www.orkut.com/CommMsgs.aspx?cmm=19587001&tid=2586161222417045620
You will be given rss feeds of the link which you can subscribe in your iGoogle , Google Reader or any other news reader service. Now when ever you check your feeds you'll get update of that community/person.
An error is common these days on most windows XP computers. When ever you click on your Drives c,d,e etc on my computer it displays you open with dialog box. In order to combat this bug I have found this simple trick.
Click here and download the batch file. Run the file and your problem will be solved. Now you can double click and open drives rather than right click and select open.
I got an idea of writing this blog post when once again a person asked me How to earn money online. I once again repeated that the same old story. So here it goes again.
It would be nice to indicate that this is not a very easy and fast method of earning online. But still you can make a lot if you are a rite type of person for it.
Its nothing that fancy. Follow these steps :
1)Make a blog like this one
Most of you I guess do not know web designing. But no problem here comes a magic website called a blog. You just don't have to care about its designing and developing. Its a free piece of software that is made for you and you will just have to put your content in it. Most famous of these are Wordpress, Blogger which I am using, ThinkPad and LiveJournal. I suggest you blogger as a beginner . Read my article on why I suggested blogger. Click here to signup for blogger.
2)Select a template
Select a nice and cool looking theme for you blog. It may have a good effect on reader's eye. Your theme should also contain necessary gadgets like recent posts,top comments etc and some icons like that of rss or follow me on twitter. Audience will find it easier to find you. Good theme should be search engine friendly that means your pages have good chances of getting into search engines.
3)Define your target audienceThis is perhaps the most difficult part in the initiation of your business. You have to think of one such topic for which you can write more very effortlessly and any time. Apart from this you should also take care that there is a handsome amount of people interested in that topic. So your choice depends upon how well you know a particular subject and how well demanded it is. Try to be unique or at least get into less saturated domain.
4)Start posting quality content regularly
Thats the most toughest part. Start writing and creating content. Create killer posts which attract further visitors for your site. Offer something which in which people may be interested in. Remember audience won't like whatever you like unless they find something of their benefit in it. You can find quality content for your subject from Internet. Do your research and always give your customers value so they become your loyal customers and visit you again. Remember traffic on your blog is directly proportional to quality of your content.
5)Put ads on your blogYou have setup a blog and written few posts for it. Now comes the part on how to earn from it. You can place ads on your blog. There are lots of advertising services available but for a beginner I will suggest Google's adsense. Because most other services have certain traffic requirements which adsense does not cater for. So google's adsense program is perfect. Signup with google adsense. Make ads and paste ad code on your blog. You can track you income,impressions and clicks from your adsense account. Just make sure you comply with adsense term of services. Fake clicks on your own ads and other cheating techniques will get your account banned from this beautiful service. Once you make your $100 they will send you your payment.
6)Marketing and traffic gathering
You have quality content on your blog and ads running. Now what you need is traffic of visitors. Not just visitor I say quality visitors. Marketing doesn't mean you go around on irc or orkut and spam around about your blog. That way you won't get good readers but just passers by who might have no interest in your blog. As a matter of good approach I suggest you following ways to get traffic.
7)Get your reward $$
If you have worked hard then you'll surely get your reward. There are different modes of payment for different advertising services. As far as google ads is concerned you can receive a check or if you live in Pakistan the most feasible mode is of Western union money transfer. You can collect your money from western union as soon as google pays you. But minimum payout for google is 100$.
I wish you all best of luck. If you need any kind of assistance ping me. I will try to help you to my best.
For those of you who are unfamiliar with twitter thats how wikipedia describes it
“Twitter is a free social networking and micro-blogging service that allows its users to send and read other users' updates (otherwise known as tweets), which are text-based posts of up to 140 characters in length.”
Its a new concept and is on atmost of its boom like social networking and bookmarking sites. You can update world about what you are doing and get latest updates from people of your interests. If you haven't used it ,I suggest you to give it a try and I promise you won't look back.
twhirl A desktop application based on Adobe Air which gives you mini environment for twitter on your desktop. Now you can avail all the functionalities of twitter with this twitter client on your desktop.
A free service which lets you know who unfollowed you on twitter. Signup with your email address and twitter credentials. Whenever some one unfollows you, Qwitter will mail you and will indicate after which status update the user unfollowed you. A must use tool because you can't guess who unfollowed you especially when you have a large number of followers.
Lets tweet it
Its basically a directory of tweeters categorized according to their areas of interest. You can get listed there on one or more categories and get informed of others who join that category.
A firefox addon which sits in the bottom right of your browser and keeps checking for twitter updates in the background. A must have addon for tweeting while you browse. It gets all the updates and you can also write your updates and reply to others from there. When ever there there is an update you get notified immediately.
A free service to feed your blog updates to twitter. It registers your with your twitter account and gets your rss feeds. Now whenever your blog/website is updated your status is set to that blog post and its url. A must have utility for bloggers to keep updating their followers about blog post and that way getting handsome amount of traffic of loyal readers/ fellow tweeters.
A twitter client for iphone users. Lets you tweet rite from your iphone.
A large collection of twitter themes divided into a range of categories. The site also contains cool follow me buttons for twitter.
Same like TwitterGallery and has lots of free twitter backgrounds. Must use it as twitter's traditional themes are just limited and boring.
TwitpicTwitpic is a free service to share your pics with tweeters. You can signin with your twitter credentials and upload images. Your image link will be posted to twitter where tweeters can also comment on your pic. A really cool service.
Twitter badges
Twitter provides badges which can be used on your blogs and social networking sites like facebook/myspace. It also provides html/javascript codes to embed in your pages as well as flash widget that work on any social network.
I am about to write a review on image editing and optimizing tools that are most useful and that you might not know. Sometimes you need to shrink an image size or you may wanna crop an image. Many a times you want to make fun of your friends pic. Sit back and check out these wonderful tools.
Smush It
A really useful online tool to shrink your image sizes while maintaining its quality. Its is very useful in case of sending large images in email and having less space. You just have to upload image and it will smush it into a lesser size and will indicate you how much size has been decreased.
Size easy is a useful tools for online purchasers. In case you buy a thing and you don't know how its size is gonna be. you can compare it with some most commonly used things of daily life. Sizeasy will take the size of the unknown object and it will compare it with any common object so you can get an idea of how big or small your object is going to be.
A very easy to use online tool to create animated gif images. Upload images and it will combine them to form an animated gif . You can adjust the speed at which the image animates.
PictureMosaic's Crop tool
Crop any image easily . Useful when using a part of an image or cut out ur favorite part from an image.
One of the most useful online image editing tool. You can use it like online mini version of Paint to edit your personal images. Features includes adding text to images, resizing images without destroying quality, adding grayscale ,poloroid effects,blur and sharpening effect . A must use tool .
Its probably the best out of the whole list. Ever wondered how people make fun of your images by adding your head to an animal body and so. Now you can also do it without having any photoshop or designing knowledge. Visit photofunia.com , select a funny posture to put an image into and upload an image which has an upfront face which is easy to recognize. Now see what happens next ... enjoy !!!!
Here comes a fun tool . Ever wondered how you looked if you were in 1970's or even in 50's. I am not joking around. Check out this cool website and you can go back in the old age. Just upload a picture and adjust it as advised and your old images will be generated. You can make fun of your friends images as I did. After getting to know about this tool .
A kool one ...Put your face on a fake magazine cover... there is pool of magazine covers to attach your image into ... perfect for posting on MySpace, Facebook, Friendster, Hi5 and other social networks & blogs .
Here are some kool firefox addons that I am using. I will update this section as soon as I get new and kool firefox addons. For time being watch out the following firefox addons and do comment.
Cooliris This Firefox addons gives you a 3d experience of images and videos from google, flickr, youtube, SmugMug, Photobucket etc and developers can also extend it for their web sites. TwitterFox Twitter Fox is a Firefox extension that notifies you of your friends' statuses of Twitter. It refreshes at an interval and gives updates if any without disturbing your browsing and you cann reply from it without bothering to open twitter's site.
If you use Firefox on more than one computer, you'll want Foxmarks. Install Foxmarks on each computer, and it works silently in the background to keep your bookmarks and (optionally) passwords synchronized. Foxmarks also keeps your data backed up and safe from computer failures. If you're away from your computer, Foxmarks allows you to access your bookmarks online by logging into my.foxmarks.com.
It is really amazing to see that most of the world's famous people were a college dropouts. It might be a coincident. Here is a list of 7 most famous college dropout billionaires.William Henry Gates III (1955-), along with Paul Allen, co-founded Microsoft Corporation, the world's largest software maker. Bill Gates, the wealthiest person in the world with an estimated net worth of $480 crores (Rs 211,200 crore!), is probably the best-known college dropout.
Gates attended an exclusive prep school in Seattle, went on to study at Harvard University, then dropped out to pursue software development. As students in the mid-70s, he and Paul Allen wrote the original Altair BASIC interpreter for the Altair 8800, the first commercially successful PC.
In 1975, Micro-Soft - later Microsoft Corporation - was born. Three decades on, Gates has been Number One on the Forbes 400 for over a dozen years. And here's something you probably didn't know: The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation currently provides 90 per cent of the world budget for the attempted eradication of polio. Lawrence Joseph Ellison (1944-), co-founder and CEO of Oracle Corporation, founded his company in 1977 with a sum of $2,000. Once a school dropout, he is now, according to Forbes, one of the richest people in America with a net worth of around $184 crores. The figure also makes him the ninth richest in the world.
As a young man, Ellison worked for the Ampex Corporation, where one of his projects was a database for the CIA. He called it Oracle, a name he was to reuse years later for the company that made him famous.
Interestingly, the organisation's initial release was Oracle 2. The number supposedly implied that all bugs had been eliminated from an earlier version.
Ellison is quite a colourful man, and has long dabbled in all kinds of things. Want to learn more? Try his biography, The Difference Between God and Larry Ellison.Dhirajlal Hirachand Ambani (1932-2002) was born into the family of a schoolteacher. It was a family of modest means. When he turned 16, Dhirubhai moved to Aden, working first as a gas-station attendant, then as a clerk in an oil company.
He returned to India at 26, starting a business with a meagre capital of $375. By the time of his demise, his company - Reliance Industries Ltd - had grown to become an empire, with an estimated annual turnover of $120 crores!
Dhirubhai was, in his lifetime, conferred the Indian Entrepreneur of the 20th Century Award by the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry. A Times of India poll in the year 2000 also voted him one of the biggest creators of wealth in this century.
Dhirubhai's is not just the usual rags-to-riches story. He will be remembered as the one who rewrote Indian corporate history and built a truly global corporate group. He is also credited with having single-handedly breathed life into the Indian stock markets and bringing in thousands of investors to the bourses. Steven Paul Jobs (1955-) and Apple Computer are names that have long gone together.
Born in the United States to an unknown Egyptian-Arab father, Jobs was adopted soon after birth. After graduating high school, he enrolled in Reed College, dropping out after one semester.
In 1976, 21-year-old Jobs and 26-year old Steve Wozniak founded Apple Computer Co. in the family garage. Jobs revolutionised the industry by popularising the concept of home computers.
By 1984, the Macintosh was introduced. He had an influential role in the building of the World-Wide Web, and also happens to be Chairman and CEO of Pixar Animation Studios.
Today, with the iPod, Apple is bigger than ever. Incidentally, Jobs worked for several years at an annual salary of $1. It got him a listing in the Guinness Book as `Lowest Paid Chief Executive Officer.' He was once gifted a $9 crores jet by the company though. And his net worth? Moer than $3 billion. Michael Saul Dell (1965- ) joined the University of Texas at Austin with the intention of becoming a physician. While studying there, he started a computer company in his dormitory, calling it PC's Limited. By the time he turned 19, it had notched up enough success to prompt Dell to dropout.
In 1987, PC's Limited changed its name to Dell Computer Corporation. By 2003, Dell, Inc. was the world's most profitable PC manufacturer.
Dell has won more than his fair share of accolades, including Man of the Year from PC Magazine and EM>CEO of the Year from Financial World . Forbes, in 2005, lists him as the 18th richest in the world with a net worth of around $1600 Crores. Not bad for just another dropout.Here's something not many people know about Subhash Chandra Goel : The Zee chairman dropped out after standard 12.
Subhash Chandra started his own vegetable oils unit at 19. It was, in a manner of speaking, his first job. Years later, a casual visit to a friend at Doordarshan gave him the idea of starting his own broadcasting company. We all know how that story ran.
Chandra knew nothing about programming, distribution or film rights. What he did understand quite well was the Indian sensibility though. Funded by UK businessmen, Zee came into being as India's first satellite TV network.
Today, it reaches 320 lakhs homes, connecting with 20 crores people in South Asia alone. The network also covers Asians in America, the Middle East, Europe, Australia and Africa, making this dropout a very rich one.
Mark Elliot Zuckerberg, (born May 14, 1984) is an American computer programmer and entrepreneur. A Harvard dropout, he is credited with developing and launching the online social networking website Facebook with the help of fellow Harvard student and computer science major Andrew McCollum as well as roommates Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes. He now serves as Facebook's CEO. In 2008, Forbes Magazine declared him "the youngest billionaire on earth and possibly the youngest self-made billionaire ever", with an estimated net worth of $1.5 billion USD.
Although they all were college dropouts and successful but that doesn't means that for being a billionaire you should be a dropout. There are only very few of the dropouts who were so super rich in thier professional life.
Sometimes you need to block a certain website or few websites on your PC, Be it for parental control or for shared computer security . Now you don't need to install any software on your computer. There is a simple tricks for it on windows XP. Follow the steps and you'll end a blocking a site.
1) Go to My Computer.
2) Open folder C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc.
3) You'll see a file called hosts. Right click on it an open it with Notepad or any other text editor.
4) At the end of that file you'll see something like localhost
5) Add a new line and write website-name.com . Example if youwant to block orkut.com you'll write : www.orkut.com
6)Save the file and restart your browser and you won't be able to open that site again. In case you want the website to unblock any time then you will have to just remove the line you added from the file.
Hope you liked the trick. If you have any problem using this trick then leave your comment.http://techasad.blogspot.com/2008/10/how-to-block-website-on-windows-xp.html
Just found this site worth sharing called Grsites.com . If you are a web developer and you need to create buttons , logos, textures and background for your site . Then this site will be your last stop . Background Textures Web Graphics Archive Button Maker Logo Maker Menu Maker Texture Maker Absolute Sound Effects Archive
Grsites contains:
Collection of seemless and attractive background textures for web pages, softwares and desktop use.
Contains bullets arrows and other clip art stuff
Choose any background texture and use it to make buttons with customized text using any font.
Make 2D, 3D or animated text logos and headings.
Choose from a selection of templates to make customized tab menus and more...
Make customized gradient backgrounds, borders, text backgrounds or textures generated from random patterns.
High quality, attractive fonts for use in web pages, desktop publishing or word processing.
High quality sound effects for use in web pages and games.
If you find this useful then do comment and subscribe to techasad feeds for updates.http://techasad.blogspot.com/2008/10/create-logos-buttons-and-textures-for.html
Google is the biggest and most useful way to get visitors to your web site. All around the world bloggers and big internet marketers use google to promote their products. So if you have a site and want to attract a lot of visitors then you should learn these tricks to get yourself noticed by google crawlers.
Add your url and feeds to google
If you are at blogger or wordpress ( free hosted ) then your chances are much greater that your site will be added but for others you have to follow one of these to get noticed . So first step I think Is to go and add your url at http://www.google.com/addurl/ and also your feeds ie rss/atom feeds of your blog in place of sitemap. The process might take time but your url will be added eventually.
Post in do-follow forums,blogs etc
A do-follow blog is some blog that allows crawlers and spiders to pass through links posted at them. For example if you post a link at a do follow forum then the google bot while crawling to that site will also reach your site and crawl through it. So leave your signature along with url at every forum/blog you visit and be active in blogosphere. Some blog are no-follow. They won’t allow search engines to crawl through other sites as it could spoil their image.
Add meta tags
You might have seen meta-tags in html source of many web sites. These tags contains keyword for which your site will be searched and description of your page that will appear in search result. If you are not good at html here is a very good utility that will help you make your Meta tags http://vancouver-webpages.com/META/mk-metas.html . Put the resulting html inside head tag of your pages.
Keyword in title of the page
The first thing google bot notices is the title of the page so keep it short and it should contains keywords for which you want to direct the visitors to your site.
Optimize title of your posts
Nearly all search engines are h1 tag friendly so while crawling to your content they get the summary out of these tags. So make it optimized with respect to your story/blog post. It should contain all the important keyword of your post as it will be shown in title of the page and in search engine result page also. So a good post title has a good chance of attracting visitor to click on your site.
Create more and more quality and unique content
Only meta tags are not gonna explain search engines about your site and frankly speaking due to people fooling search engines with wrong keywords to attract more traffic many search engine do not rely on meta tags. Instead they go through content of the page .So write and create quality content. Use your keywords effectively in your content. But do not make your readers suffer. Believe me if you write solely for search engines then you are not gonna attain loyal readers. Be genuine and be yourself.
Add alt tags to images
For your images to come in search engine results make sure you use alt attribute in image tags. And write description about images in that attribute. Example
Remember search engine’s crawlers are no human they won’t understand what the image is about unless you explain.
Spam around Orkut/irc or other high traffic zone
This is the most weirdest thing. It can spoil your blog’s image. There are other alternatives to these which I will explain in later posts.
But let me share with you my experience. I was running a blog with my friend . The problem was that all its pages were not coming in google’s index. But one day my friend spammed around in orkut community in front of lacs of visitors. Some people were irritated due to this. But the next day I saw in my blog stats. Along with visitors many Google bots also crawled and all the pages were there in google’s index. So it did work . And now google find it easy to crawl through that site :) . But still I won’t commit that again .
Above were some of the tips that I found after lot of research. They will just make sure that you get into search engines and people can find you from any part of the world. For high rankings in search engines.http://techasad.blogspot.com/2008/10/how-to-get-yout-pages-in-google-index.html
Blogger and wordpress are the two famous and mostly used blogging platforms . For many new bloggers who do not wish to spend money on domains and web hosting these are the only two options apparently available. Many people start their blogs with wordpress freely hosted service but they forget some very important things which I will discuss in this article.
Here I will describe what are the benefits which I am getting from blogger over other blogging softwares available.
Free from the problems of hosting:
So you don’t know how to upload files through ftp ? or you are sick of messages like “No nodes available for your requests” or “server is down” ? I have seen many a times these messages and now I think why should I bother about hosting when blogger can get my content hosted for free and its 100% reliable. No hassles of uploading scripts and then remembering settings for database, ftp etc
Free to put your ads and earn money:
Many free hosting platforms including wordpress.com do not allow you to post your ads. If you want to put ads on your wordpress blog then you’ll have to host it somewhere where the host allows you to put ads. For beginners I know its not wise to throw money on hosting unless you know you have hundreds of viewers and you’ll earn a lot.
Close coupling with other google services:
Blogger allows you to use many free service on your blog . each and every service of google has has more or less a decent connection with blogger .Adsense, feedburner, picassa and youtube to name a few .
Search engine friendly pages:
Since blogger is a part of google the chances of blogger pages getting into google are higher . After few days of getting your blog up you will have you blog’s pages indexed at google and that’s what I have seen many times .you don’t have to go for any hard work like putting meta tags etc in your pages . But you can do these for further benefits and higher rankings in google.
Thousands of themes and widgets available:
Unlike wordpress you don’t have to choose from given templates. There are thousand of free and premium templates available on Internet and you can customize them further also. Hundreds of widgets are also available or if you want you can put your custom javascript/text for any purpose.
Growing developers and bloggers community:
As more people are getting attracted towards this service the blogger’s community is growing and all the support is available. You can get any of your blogger problem solved in few a minutes very easily. Also there are hundreds of tips and tricks available to spice up your content and attract more visitors.
Use your custom domain:
Its very easy to redirect to your bloggers hosted blog from your custom domains. For example if you have yourname.com then you can access your blog from that domain easily and you don’t have to pay to blogger for it. Your blog will still be hosted there. Unlike wordpress where you have to pay 15$ if you but domain from them.
OK so if I have put much for you guys to get attracted to blogger. In case I have left any important point please do let me know through comments and I’ll add it here. Best wishes for your new blogger’s blog .http://techasad.blogspot.com/2008/10/benefits-of-blogging-on-blogger.html